Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Friday!

Yay, it's Friday! Not only is it just Friday, but it's Friday the 13th (are you superstitious?) AND it's iheartfaces Fix-It Friday! I had a lot of fun with editing this photo (as you can tell!). What a cute little guy and those eyes are just stunning!

The Original:

Edit #1
edited in CS3
Defog, Color Pop, Cropped

Edit #2
edited in CS3
Defog, Color Pop, Converted to black and white, cropped

Edit #3
edited in Lightroom 2.3
Self-created action (Meadows) and cropped

Edit #4
edited in Lightroom 2.3
gave it a vintage look with a self-created action, cropped and added some vignetting

Edit #5
edited with Lightroom 2.3
used action PH Surreal Moment and cropped

Edit #6
edited in Lightroom 2.3
self-created action (DreamsAgain), cropped and slightly rotated


  1. Very nicely done. I especially like the b&W and the last one

  2. Cool edits! #5 catches my eye--great job!

  3. The Pioneer Woman:

    Fantastic blogger about food, home schooling, life, and photography. She has great tutorials and free actions for Photoshop.

  4. Thanks so much Alex! I will definitely check it out!
