Friday, July 30, 2010

Fix-It-Friday (#64)

Every Friday, IHeartFaces runs a Fix-It-Friday Challenge where a photo is posted and permission is given to edit it however you'd like. Here is the photo for today:

My Edit:

For this shot, I used CS3 and ran it through a defog action and then a color pop action.

B&W Edit:

I couldn't resist transforming this shot into a black & white! Again, I used CS3 for my editing and ran it through a defog action and a B&W pop action.

Check out more edits (and pick up some great editing tips!) over at I Heart Faces!


  1. Love the "pop" that you gave both of them! I also love how you spell your name ;)

  2. Thank you Jane and Niki!
    And Niki, lol! I like the way you spell yours too ;)

  3. So pretty! They look a lot like mine! I love the color one!

  4. Great edits! I love the color one. So bright and cheery.

  5. I love your b&w version!

  6. Your black and white is beautiful! The tones are really excellent.

  7. Thank you everyone for your great comments!

  8. Love both of your edits ~ the colour is clean and crisp, but the tones in the BW are brilliant!
