Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Sam and Brandon's Engagement session. Downtown Royal Oak, Michigan 

It's that special day of the year...Valentine's Day! I loved Valentine's Day as a child. I couldn't wait for my mom to take me to the store so I could pick out a box of Valentine Day cards to pass out to my classmates. What would I pick? The decision was always so hard; Care Bears? Rainbow Bright? Cute kittens? Once I finally picked out my box, I then couldn't wait to start writing out the cards. I would sit the night before, carefully writing each friends name on the card and signing my own name. The next day in school we would have a Valentines Day party which involved passing out our cards, passing out candy and sometimes, the teacher would wheel in the tv on a cart (you know the one!) and we would watch a movie or cartoon. Super fun!

As you grow older, Valentine's Day means something different. It means picking out the perfect gift for the one you love. And for some, it's the start of something really big. Big as in engagement! I recently read (and forgive, I forgot where) that 10% of couple get engaged on Valentine's Day and more than 2.2 million couples get married each year in the United States. That's a whole lotta engagements and weddings!

So if you are one of those 10% who has proposed or has been proposed to today, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you!

To make it "official" why not get some engagement photos taken? These are a great way to announce your engagement to your friends and family (and the world!). They are also great when used with "save the date" announcements for your upcoming wedding. Contact me and we can create the perfect setting for your session. Engagement sessions are free if a retainer fee is received for your big wedding day. Otherwise, I do offer just engagement packages.

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